Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Short of an ending

So I thought today would be the day I could say, "ONWARD!"

But unfortunately, as my luck should have it, my meeting with the healthy schools grant coordinator today was canceled.

I had paced around all morning only to find that the meeting confirmation email I had sent days ago hadn't actually sent. Technology fails me sometimes.

So, in anticipation of continuing my journey towards ingredient transparency, I decided to send another email instead of rescheduling the meeting.

It went sort of like this...

Actually, meeting on Thursday may not be totally necessary. I've thought a lot about our conversation we had over break in regards to the conflict of interest involved in working towards ingredient transparency for our district.


However, it is also clear to me and my teammates that funding through the grant is not absolutely necessary. With that in mind, we will be continuing with our endeavors with a few alterations to our original plans. I intend to further inspire wellness at my school without these constraints.

Thank you for this opportunity and I am sorry that it didn't work out.


So I sent that this morning and hope to get a response by tomorrow. I guess it doesn't really matter anyway... I feel like I've made up my mind by this point.

Now I'm free to do what I need to do.


  1. I think you made the right decision. Very much so. This is a newsworthy fight, to get ingredients publicized. If I were you I'd contact Monica Eng, at the Tribune, meng@tribune.com. Do you know if she's already seen your stuff?

  2. Aha, I feel weird saying this, but I am sort of proud that you will be able to fight in your own way now, no restrictions whatsoever.

    I wonder what's to come... hm...

  3. I too, think you made the right deciision. Kudos to you for thinking your way through this, not allowing yourself to be constrained or intimidated and for continuing on.

    Go Team Tara.

  4. @Brandon No, I don't think she knows what I'm doing. I actually just sent her an email though. Thanks for the contact! :]

  5. Thank you for taking this to the next level. Ingredients are key. By doing this, you're helping kids and parents in schools across the country.

    I know moms who have dumpster dived in order to find ingredient labels on school food. Your push for transparency will gain the support of school food advocates across the country.

    Thanks again.

  6. No, thank you Susan! I would have never started this blog if you hadn't suggested it to me.
